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Throughout 2023, Konecta professionals demonstrated solidarity through tangible actions, contributing to various volunteering initiatives by sharing resources, knowledge, and experiences.
Throughout 2023, Konecta professionals demonstrated solidarity through tangible actions, contributing to various volunteering initiatives by sharing resources, knowledge, and experiences to enhance the well-being of communities. Moreover, these actions were strengthened through strategic alliances, multiplying their reach and effectiveness.
These initiatives align with four fundamental pillars:
The volunteering actions aim to generate a positive impact on the communities where Konecta operates, contributing to the achievement of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Children's Day: Over 120 volunteers at the Buenos Aires site collaborated with the UNICEF fundraising campaign "Un Sol para los Chicos" through phone channels. Additionally, a toy collection day was organized on the platforms to donate to various allied social entities.
In 2020, the Konecta Ayuda a Konecta solidarity support program was launched for market donations and assistance in case of domestic calamities and natural disasters. To date, it has impacted the lives of more than 270 people, with donations exceeding $51,000,000 Colombian pesos.
Through the Operation Kilo program, between 2021 and 2023, over 1,370 kilograms of clothing and 1,611 kilograms of non-perishable food were donated to allied foundations in Medellín, Bogotá, Montería, Cali, and Manizales, impacting the lives of more than 400 families.
With the organization of the Ropaton event, employees donated clothes destined for the groups attended by social entities such as "Corporación Sueños y Huellas," "Fundación Social y Académica del Sinú," "Fundación Creando Historia," and "Fundamor."
Fundraising for the Red Cross aimed at supporting their programs for minors, providing snacks, school kits, as well as offering support and psychological assistance for the elderly.
Donations of clothing, food, books, bottle caps, and computer equipment, promoting circular economy actions among participating individuals.
Development of a project supporting refugee families from Ukraine, initiated with a fundraising campaign by Dona&Vinci4Ukraina. Workers contributed donations to Caritas Diocesana de Montepulciano to provide food, shelter, medical care, legal support, and education to these families.
Collection of plastic caps through an initiative by Caritas Diocesana di Livorno, in collaboration with the company Galletti Ecoservice. The caps collected each year throughout Italy are sold to plastic recycling companies to create common-use objects, and the proceeds from this sale are used to build wells and aqueducts in arid regions of Tanzania.
Collection and donation of clothing, food, and medicine to support the victims of the earthquake that struck the country.
Organization of the Kilo of Love volunteering day for the collection of non-perishable food items to be donated to social entities.
Fundraising for the Spanish Association Against Cancer in Valladolid, to finance cancer research projects.
Development of awareness actions with the Emera Association and the Grand Chalon Athletics Association in the fight against breast cancer.
Donation to Informazione Senza Frontiere (Information Without Borders) for the Open Hospital project, an open-source hospital management software developed by ISF to assist hospitals, clinics, and medical centers in managing their daily operations. As of today, it has active projects in 13 countries around the world, managing more than 130,000 users, 136 employees, and 280 beds.
In partnership with the Regional Blood Transfusion Center of Analamanga (CRTS), blood donation days were conducted at the company's facilities in Madagascar.
Support for the Anemia Zero campaign.
Participation in the National Reading Marathon in collaboration with the Leer Foundation, donating the team's time to promote school participation.
Donation of School Kits to educational centers and social entities.
Czech Republic:
Development of a special education program for the integration team in collaboration with Podané Ruce educational institute.
As part of the Darüşşafaka Program promoting equality in education, full scholarship support has been provided for a financially disadvantaged student to complete their education for 8 years until high school graduation.
To raise awareness among our collaborators, we established a voluntary social responsibility club called Consciousness in Konecta, with bi-weekly meetings.
Promotion of professional volunteering to support the Fundación Konecta Vocational Training School. Specific training sessions conducted by company professionals include topics such as persuasive communication in a commercial context, effective telephone communication tools, call analysis, and conflict resolution through real call listening.
Organization of workplace visits led by Operations personnel for individuals with acquired disabilities from the Fremap Rehabilitation School. The objective is to provide a firsthand experience of a real workplace, similar to what they will encounter in their job reintegration after completing their course.
HR dept. conducting interviews using role-play techniques, internal training, and awareness on gender-based violence, and occupational risk prevention.
Training for employees with intellectual disabilities driven by the Fundación Konecta as part of the "Creating Opportunities" initiative. This continuous training project is designed for young individuals with intellectual disabilities, aiming to support their professional and personal development.
Supervised internships for students with intellectual disabilities from the Capacis Foundation.
Training sessions on facing professional interviews and coaching sessions provided by "La Cravate Solidaire" to support unemployed individuals. Collaboration with human resources professionals is established for guidance and counselling processes.
Konecta Foundation organizes its annual charity Padel Tournament with the participation of clients, employees, and other strategic allies of the company. The purpose is to raise funds for social entities, specifically directed to the +Family project this time.
Fundraising by Konecta Foundation for social entities promoting the socio-labour integration of individuals with intellectual disabilities through charity markets. These actions also contribute to raising employee awareness about disabilities.
Support for the Foundation for Children with Limb Deficiency to raise awareness about this rare disease. Konecta volunteers participate in recreational activities at the summer camp of this organization and the opening trip of the school year. Additionally, they participate in fundraising races each spring and fall for the foundation.
Czech Republic:
Company volunteers participate in international sports games for youth with disabilities in collaboration with the Emil Foundation, supporting sports for young people with disabilities.
Financial contribution to support swimmers in preparation for the Paralympic Games, in collaboration with the Emil Foundation.
Every December, clients receive a digital donation certificate encouraging them to make a donation to an association instead of giving a physical gift.
Reforestation of 500 native trees in Malagueño municipality, supported by company volunteers.
Volunteer cleaning days in parks in collaboration with the "Embajadores Verdes" association, held in different provinces for the collection of waste and cigarette butts.
Since 2021 to date, support has been provided for planting more than 1,131 trees in Cundinamarca, Antioquia, and Montería, led by company volunteers, promoting reforestation in environmentally vulnerable areas.
Environmental training programs benefiting over 100 children from foundations such as Hogar San Mauricio and Sueños y Huellas.
Strategic alliances with social entities and non-governmental organizations have contributed to pooling efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All volunteering actions are based on a search and consolidation process of partnerships, amplifying the impact and involving stakeholders from the public, private, and third sectors. This creates a support network sensitized and committed to the needs of the most disadvantaged groups in society.
In 2023, Konecta and its professionals expressed solidarity with communities affected by earthquakes in Turkey, Syria, and Morocco. The Konecta Foundation joined "Mensajeros por la Paz" to organize a global fundraising campaign for Konecta Group employees. This campaign, along with other actions born out of the solidarity of our professionals, included collecting clothes, food, toys, and other essential items.
Additionally, blood donations were made in the affected countries to help earthquake victims. The response was resounding, actively involving employees and collecting over 2.5 tons of winter clothes for Cáritas Madrid and the Turkish Embassy, aiding Turkish and Syrian families.